Conserving our East Tennessee bald eagles and birds of prey

Robyn Miller of the American Eagle Foundation Photos Special to The Oak Ridger
Bald eagles

The UT Arboretum Society invites you to join the American Eagle Foundation for an exclusive, behind-the-scenes glimpse into the lives of their resident raptors, including the charismatic bald eagle ambassadors in a virtual presentation on Thursday, May 13.  

On this digital tour, Roby5An Miller of the American Eagle Foundation will guide participants in learning about eagles and other raptors’ roles within our ecosystem, how AEF cares for them, and how we can help protect them. The nonprofit American Eagle Foundation is headquartered in East Tennessee in Pigeon Forge.

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“The American Eagle Foundation has a longstanding history in the conservation of bald eagles and other birds of prey. Over the course of more than 30 years, the organization has released 180 bald eagles back into the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains,” a UT Arboretum society news release stated. 

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