Need Line asking for fan donations
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Need Line is asking for fans to be donated for families in Murray and Calloway County who do not have a way to cool off during the summer. New fans may be dropped off at 509 N. 8th St. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday, June 1-Aug. 1.
Alzheimer’s Golf Tournament planned
The Second Annual Alzheimer’s Golf Tournament will be Friday, June 10, at the Murray Country Club. Check-in begins at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. The four-person format is $200 per team. To enter, call or sign up at the MCC Pro Shop, 270-753-9430. All proceeds will go to the Alzheimer’s Association.
MCC Senior Citizens Center offers trip
The Murray-Calloway County Senior Citizens Center presents Pigeon Forge and Smoky Mountains Show Trip, Monday – Friday, Sept. 26-30. The trip will depart from the CC Senior Citizens Center at 8 a.m. For information and reservations, contact Dacia Barger at 270-753-0929.
SO Softball sign-up to be held
Special Olympics softball sign-up will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, June 6, at 3665 Kirksey Road. All skill levels are welcome and participation is free. For more information, call Laura Miller at 270-293-9054 or email [email protected].
Dexter-Almo Water Board will meet
The Dexter-Almo Water District will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 9. The meeting will be a video teleconference with the primary location at the District Office at 351 Almo Road in Almo. Members of the public may attend the meeting at this location and will be able to view all members of the board participating in the meeting.
Seniors/Veterans Luncheon to be held
The annual Seniors and Veterans Luncheon, sponsored by the Hazel Woman’s Club, will be Saturday, June 11, at the Hazel Community Center. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon. All senior citizens and veterans are invited to attend.
Dog & Puppy Obedience classes offered
The Humane Society of Calloway County’s Dog & Puppy Obedience classes will begin Thursday, June 9, for dogs, and Monday, June 20, for puppies. Classes meet at 6 p.m. for seven weeks for puppy class and eight weeks for dogs. The fee is $80. Contact the Humane Society at [email protected], or call 270-759-1884. Pre-registration is required.
Murray Chapter 616 of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) will meet at 9 a.m. every Tuesday at Hope Harbor Church at 2771 KY 94 East. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Cindy at 270-206-0818.
Bingo to be held Tuesdays at KoC
The public is invited to Bingo Night, held every Tuesday from 6-9 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus, 332 Squire Road. For more information call Kevin at 270-293-7061.
Legion offers help to veterans
Service officers Mark Kennedy and Lois Wells of American Legion Post 73 will be available from 1-4 p.m. each Tuesday and Wednesday at 310 Bee Creek Drive to assist veterans and their families who need to file VA claim. No appointment is necessary, and all are served on a first-come/first-served basis. For more information, call the Post 73 Message Board at 270-761-8728.
CCHS SBDM Council will meet
The Calloway County High School Site-Based Decision-Making Council will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 8, in the CCHS Library/Media Center.
A bowling group for senior citizens meets at 1 p.m. every Tuesday at Corvette Lanes. The cost is $11 for three games and is open to all senior citizens. For more information, contact Nancy Rubin at 270-474-8366.
Soup for the Soul serves weeknights
Soup for the Soul Community Kitchen serves free dinner each night Monday-Friday, from 4-6 p.m., at 411 Maple Street, downtown Murray. Donations are always accepted. For more information, call 270-759-0800.
The Ivy Cemetery is accepting donations for the upkeep of the cemetery. Donations may be mailed to Patsy Pittman, 2060 New Providence Road, Murray, KY 42071.
Need Line updates items needed
The Need Line Pantry is need of fresh produce, hot dogs, mustard, soup, loaf bread, hot dog buns, Ketchup and mixed vegetables. Cleaning and personal hygiene items needed include toilet paper, toothpaste, dish liquid, laundry detergent and bar soap. Need Line is at 509 N. Eighth St. and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, call 270-753-6333.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women with the purpose to help others to recover from the pain and suffering of alcoholism. For more information, call 270-535-4111, 270-799-1065 or 270-226-3971 or visit