HARMON DEN, N.C. (WVLT) – A new bridge that allows travelers to cut through the Pigeon River Gorge was opened Thursday night, according to NCDOT Spokesperson David Uchiyama.
Uchiyama said the bridge is on I-40 and goes over Cold Springs Creek and Harmon Den Road at Exit 7.
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“Crews from Kiewit Infrastructure South will spend the coming weeks replacing pipes under ramps and completing accommodations for wildlife in the area,” Uchiyama said. “Some of this construction will require nighttime lane closures and occasional daytime closures.”
Crews planned to finish grading in the area, install fencing, place slotted cattle guards and add a wildlife passage under the bridge, according to Uchiyama.
“We’re happy to complete a major portion of this project and delighted to start work on wildlife improvement operations,” Division 14 Engineer Wanda Austin said. “All of the work with interest groups, transportation, and wildlife experts to incorporate unique features is all coming together to benefit the people who drive the gorge and the animals who live there.”
The project was the first of five bridges that were set to be replaced in the area near the Tennessee state line.
TDOT Spokesperson Mark Nagi took to Twitter to share the ‘god news’.
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